jeudi 17 novembre 2016

Search is not a straight path anymore

Let's set the background here... 

It's a quite common mistake to think that a customer's path is still straightforward. After what is often referred to "the crisis" of 2008 came a wave of "back to the essentials". With costs being cut here and there, customers and clients turned to new means of "buying". We saw the rise (or at least boom) of shared economics with organisations such as Uber, Bla bla car and more!


A long long time ago... Mr.Smith or Mrs.Bill would have typed "uncommon restaurant" in Google or Yahoo or Bing depending on the device and would have selected one of the 11 page results... We also went through an era where one would trust a Trip Advisor review or go for a friend's recommendation. And then it changed...

For example

During a sort of think tank, I had the occasion to speak with a young man who clearly stated that when he invited his girlfriend for dinner at the restaurant, he would search for days for an extraordinary restaurant before taking a decision. And THE decision would go for something sensational. How could you go against that ? The www is so full of extraordinary "things"... real life can seem boring or uninteristing.

So we get to the point that the brand has to go a mile further to appeal to the milennial. There needs to be an experience behind the product. 

When I look for a restaurant in Paris, I also search for something extraordinary and I will not stop at the Yellow Pages.

The last time I went out with a very-digital friend who has a sense for casual, yet fine dining, this is the search path I went through :

A facebook friend had shared a new app with me. The core function is to book restaurants in the app and also enter your billing details which are automatically debited at the end of your meal - no need for cash and a possibility of sharing the bill instantly with your friends - no need to take out your iphone or calculator.

However, I had no need for such an app but what I noticed was that the restaurants featured in the app all had the same "feel". Although they were quite different from each other... they all appealed to me because they had that "little something more". Simple, casual dining, local produce combined with the "wow" factor.

Hence I downloaded the app, listed the featured restaurants, looked them up in my favourite Search Engine G...... Then I made my decision based on websites+Facebook page + Tripadvisor pics.

I then deleted the app, having no further use for it and happily started my dining journeys, which were all successful.

Although some may qualify this as a mere waste of time... (I had spent perhaps 90 minutes looking for the perfect pick)... It was much more... It was part of the journey already! I was actually having fun with the search process... Imagining the evening, making sure it was picture-perfect, looking for something excitingly new...

So the conclusion of the story is not to tell you about my nice and scrumptious dinner but how actually getting there has changed and will continue changing.

Once I was at the restaurant (which my digital friend loved BTW) we happened to ask our counter-neighbour how she had heard of it. Her answer was straight forward: she had seen a TV show which she had thoroughly enjoyed.

Hence having each of us zigzagged through digital and media crossroads we were now sitting at the same delightful counter....

This is what I will take back from the experience :

  • Search is not a straight path anymore

  • Search is actually part of the end-experience and goal 
  • Search is led by fun 

jeudi 22 août 2013

#Pinterest; Collaborer Avec Ses Clients Pour Améliorer La Qualité de Service

Le groupe Four Seasons fait preuve d'ingéniosité dans sa stratégie de marketing digital! Cette campagne Pinterest permet aux utilisateurs de publier des images en rapport avec leurs centres d'intérêts et de notifier le groupe hôtelier de leur prochain séjour... en échange d'informations, de tuyaux, et d'autres bons plans qui permettront de développer un séjour sur mesure

Four Seasons gagne une communauté loyale et conquise sur le net tout en conservant un lien humain. Le client y trouve son bonheur en recevant des informations locales et non disponibles dans les guides classiques.

Cliquez ici pour accéder au magazine Four Seasons

jeudi 8 août 2013

Créer de la valeur ajoutée en conseillant des applications...

Conseiller une application est une manière efficace d'obtenir la satisfaction de vos lecteurs ou de vos fans et de créer de la valeur ajoutée pour tous sur vos réseaux sociaux! Pour les hôteliers ou entrepreneurs, cela peut être une façon d’acquérir plus de visibilité en (relativement)  peu de temps.

Etude de cas Cheval Residences London  

lundi 5 août 2013

Ropo 2

Ropo2 vague2 Fullsix_datafullsixretail from Emarketing_fr

Le Showrooming; une pratique qui émerge.....A l'inverse du Research Online, Purchase Offline; nous avons désormais la vague Research Offline, Purchase Online, très accentuée dans certaines industries comme la hi-tech! 

lundi 8 juillet 2013

A #Projeqt for Enhancing Your #SEO

It's not always easy to find an appropriate tool for your social media and digital strategy. With SEO and 'social' converging, it's important that the platform which supports your content be also

integrated with your other platforms 

Projeqt* meets these criteria and easy to embed! So why not use it for your restaurant menus and Spa services?
*Contact Projeqt for any corporate use

lundi 1 juillet 2013

FutureMakers: Buzzness Mobile Conference in Paris - Your doggy bag of info

FutureMakers: Buzzness Mobile Conference in Paris - Your doggy bag of info.: The Buzzness Conference , which was held in Paris on June 18, 2013 concentrated on the world of mobile. Issues on the best mobile practises, how to collect data in the most efficient ways and more was evoked.

lundi 24 juin 2013

Un partenariat local pour une stratégie digitale optimale!

Un hôtel doit diffuser du contenu plus que bon si il veut avoir une réputation digitale auprès de ses fans et de son public sur les réseaux sociaux. Créer du contenu de qualité et le diffuser fait partie des bases. Cependant, il y a une possibilité d'amplifier le bruit créé par un bon contenu, en choisissant une entreprise locale intéressante, en la mettant en avant, et en notifiant ses dirigeants de ces actions. Je vous invite à consulter cette étude de cas sur Le Général Hôtel à Paris, qui a écrit un article sur La Boutique des Saveurs, une épicerie fine de la capitale et d'en tirer les leçons.